On the top of the Hill again, by the Spirit. Welcome back, i hope i didnt keep you waiting. (because i probably did)
Anyways, today, i am announcing a new album, called Parts Of Me. This will be the first full-length album made by me.
This will surely be my most sentimental pieces of artistic crafts of mine, given that it speaks about the happiness of my current state, and the gratefulness of everything and everyone.
If The Climb EP was a battlefield full of fighting and resisitance, this would be the kind of aftermath. After the long war to rise to the top, i take pride of myself, and look down onto the abyss that i conquered. I know my place is here at the top, because i deserved it. I climbed the hill, no matter if it was raining, snowing, or even an uncertain fog obstructed my path.
My influence for this album is a very intersting one. Do you remember Alice In Chains's first two records, Facelift and Dirt?
These two albums were purely in your face metal, from the grunge days. Alice In Chains had an odd style, and thats why many rockheads (including me) became very fond with their music. They sounded a little bit gross, but powerful,and hard.
Then, after all of these, Jar Of Flies came.
This album had a completly different vibe from the usual AIC handbanging one. Most of the instruments were acoustic, and the solos were more sentimental and slower paced. It was more organic. It was beautiful, yet it still had traces of that raw grunge sound.
That is how i imagine Parts Of Me. It will still have some sort of fighting spirit, but most of that is going to be replaced by the warm,cozy sounds that i hear in myself now. Its going to be absolute bonkers.
I cant say how many track it will have, nor when i plan to drop it exactly, but i can say somewhere around the middle of next year would be a good place to start.
Otherwise, things are going fine. Gonna start studying now, because i have to catch upon my grades if i want to be smart boi :3
Thanks for being here with me. Keep climbing.